More about Jenifer Trivelli

Professional story and accomplishments:

Since she was young, Jenifer has been interested in how people get wired to do the things they do, and what guides them towards well-being. That curiosity (and many chance happenings) led her to a graduate degree in counseling and completed training in YogaCalm's youth and adult certification programs. Jenifer is a Trauma-Sensitive HeartMath Certified Practitioner.

A social-emotional educator at heart, she offers her blend of neuroscience, attachment theory, and somatic practices for trauma resolution and resiliency to educators and organizations that serve children. Jenifer’s company, WiseMind Educational Services, contracts with non-profit and private schools and organizations to provide student wellness consultation, emotion coaching for students, and professional development.

In 2014, Jenifer authored her first book for kids, Peanut and the BIG Feelings. Jamie's Gift: A Young Teen's Guide to Fears, Worries, and Other Life Challenges (Like Being Irritated By Other People) soon followed; a collaborative project with a local teen. In 2019, she developed a resiliency curriculum for adolescents called TIME:IN, and writes regularly in a column inspired by her work - Wise Parent - in a local family magazine.

Jenifer has been invited to take the global stage to share her unique approach to supporting youth resilience - highlights include The Embodiment Conference in 2020 and Somatic Experiencing’s 2021 Conference. In 2023, she was invited to headline the Early Childhood Educator Conference at Western Oregon University as the keynote speaker.

The woman-behind-the-accomplishments story:

Hey reader. I’ll share this part of my story from my perspective.

I’m the firstborn child and the first in my family to graduate with a college degree. My dad was in the Army, and I grew up moving every three years. For my fellow personality inventory lovers - I’m a three “The Achiever” on the Enneagram, an INJF “The Advocate” according to the MBTI, and Chinese Element Personality Inventories say I’m Wood dominant. For astrologically inclined folks - I’m an Aries/Libra/Virgo and my Human Design is a 5/1 “Challenge Solver” Generator.

What does all of that mean to me? Simply put, I’m a trailblazer. I’m able to synthesize information in fresh ways that are both practical and accessible to a wide audience, and I have a determined, fiery nature that drives me to share it with the world. I hold close to my being the values of integrity, beauty through personal and shared meaning, and commitment to ever-widening circles of community. I am resolutely oriented to promoting aliveness in myself and others.

Beginning with the year following the birth of my first child, the natural world has provided me with refuge, support, and inspiration. Both of my children are now teenagers, and I have found rhythms of connection with nature that support me both daily and through life’s bigger challenges and transitions. My nature adventures have found a sense of ease - transitioning from conquering summits and winning stunning views into wild wanders and gentle introspection.

At the bookends of most days, you’ll find me on my back deck (or the sunroom, when it’s rainy), breathing with the trees and absorbing the elements of the season. Some of my favorite professional moments with young people happen in nature at our annual youth retreats, and one of my current creative endeavors is writing a book about how nature supports our wellness and connection to others.